Its donations for providing the service of compiling mods and making sure that MOST of the time it runs smoothly.

Thing is ScrewTheNoise does this for free and its OPTIONAL to donate, probably why he hasnt been DMCAd, even if what he offers is a cracked download. Rather than you spending hours upon hours of your time of installing mods and than running the risk of possibly not even having the compiled folder be runnable he already takes care of that and packages it in a repack. Its a scene creator made by the people that created Honey Select. I dont want to be snarky here but there is a description, right there at the top of the page. Im not certain whether or not the pages will have torrent links, but surely if you knew enough to find and install a bittorrent client, you also know how to search the internet for torrents, once you know the name of the file you are looking for. Honey Select Party English Patch Install A Bittorrent With this you can create your own Illusion VN games Can we have a torrent link. Its a scene creator made the people that created Honey Select. Honey Select Party English Patch Install A Bittorrent.