Operating of Wiating list for the post Junior Engineer (Civil) in Public Works (R&B) Department advertised vide Notification N.05 of 2020, Item N. Promotion/regularization of Engineers (Civil)/(Mrchanical)/Electrical)-Submission of APRs.Īppiontment of candidates for the post of Junior Assistant/Cashier Clerk/Store Attendant/Cardex Clerk/ Computor-cum Junior Assistant/welfare organizer. Tentative seniority list of Works Supervisor and Draftsman woh obtained Degree/Diploma in Civil/Mechanical/Electrical Engineering disciplines as it stood on. 05 of 2020 dated -(Release of Withheld Recommendation thereof(Notice therof).

Release of Withheld Recommendation of Class-IV (Final selection list-cum allocation of cadres & Department for remaining Class-IV posts under the provisions of J&K Appointment to Class-IV (Special Recruitment)Rules 2020 Advertised vide Notification No.